Majesty- The Kombi Bar

Hello there! I hope all is well! I am excited to show you this bar space I decorated. I started working on it before I even got the bar. LOL I went to the store and saw an ad for what was coming out soon and got started! Featuring Chez Moi Furniture at the Tres Chic Event with the Kombi Bar! I have a thing for classic cars and the old VW Van is one of those. I would prob never drive one but I like seeing them in RL. I am just not one to drive a big vehicle. Gotta keep the roads safe yall. LOL I saw one a few weeks back actually. It was orange! This Bar is actually texture change and can be orange if you choose. It has an easy to use hud to change it to the color of your choice to match your special space!  I have the ad below so you can see all the colors you can change it to. There is a color for everyone. I went with the black! I decorated a small bar space filled with many dispensable drinks and kegs mostly from Kunst and Tartessos Arts. My favorite food or dink items dispense. This bar indoors but it would be equally awesome in a outdoor space or on the beach of course. There is never a wrong way to decorate. The main thing is you being happy with your space. One thing that keeps SL lively is we are always having new things coming out to use to spruce up our homes! It's neverending. It keeps it fresh which is not a bad thing! Unless you are trying to be frugal!
I want to take the time to thank everyone for the support this month. I want to thank you all for the favs, shares, likes and feedback. I also want to thank those of you who think of my blog when you are looking for new and special things for your own places. It is one of the main reasons that keep me going. This is the last post for the month of May. I am working already for June. I try to do a variety of posts and I consider my design style unisex for the most part. If anything is too "girly" things can easily be switched out to make it less that way. This bar set is an example of one you can say is more masculine. But with the texture change hud for the bar you can make it a more girly color and add a few decor things to give it that girly feel. It is always up to you and what suits your needs. But, it is time to post this! I hope everything is going well with all of you. Feel free to bookmark this blog, Follow me on Flickr and Like my Facebook page to stay up to date with future Blog posts!!! Thank you so much truly. Much love, xoxo <3333 Ebony

Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed


Featured - 
Kombi Bar (Adult) CHEZ MOI- New to Tres Chic Event-

Apple Fall Leather Strapped Trunk
Apple Fall Mainstore-

DRD - Rustic Barbecue - Drinks On Ice
DRD Mainstore-

Other Decor-
[-BLUE SKY-] Jack Devil's Whiskey Barrel (Galvanized)
[-BLUE SKY-] Whiskey Barrel (Galvanized)
[-BLUE SKY-] Vineyard Barrel - Wine Club (Rusted)
[ kunst ] - Kunsteiner barrel / Stout
[ kunst ] - Kunsteiner barrel / Lager
[ kunst ] - Kunsteiner barrel / Red ale
[ kunst ] - Kunsteiner Tap & glass  (gold) / Lager
{what next} Palisades Drinks Tray
Sway's [Creativity] Memo-chalkboard /with quotes
Sway's [Creativity] Memo-chalkboard /with quotes
floorplan. industrial shelf / gold
[Con.] T-Read Bookshelf - Wall Version
[Con.] Open Road Collection - Cooler - Red
[Con.] Game Day - Soda cooler
TA Spirits Drinks Set
TA Boss Drinks Tray
:CP: Bondi Bar Sign
MADRAS Mini Cooler
The Loft - Hudson Rug

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