Majesty- The High Life (Sativa)

Hello there! TGIF!!!! Happy Friday to all of you! I hope all is well! Let's keep these posts going! I took a day off. I had to. LOL But, I am back. I am excited to feature an item I had a fit over when I saw the ad! lol I am featuring DRD at the Anthem event with the Joint Delivery Van today. I am using the occupied version! It made me think about Peace, Love and Happiness. I am so serious. LOL Another reason I added the big sunflowers for that feel. Most of the items you see are from DRD. I just knew I had to use my neon lights. I was debating between a city set up or something country. I am a country girl so this is what I came up with. I surrounded it with trees and plenty of grass I got from Hayabusa Design. I also have some the rest is covered with sunflowers but my camera angle was so close to the van you don't really see all of the landscaping I did.That happens sometimes. I wanted to show the van closer so eh! LOL The bongs are also from the store and come with an animation. They are awesome decor with many different versions.
I typically decorate and showcase with bright day windlights but this month I have really taken to darker windlights like you see here so they bring out the colors of the items I am featuring. It's really fun. I typically have my windlight on darker settings in-world anyways. Once I get to doing things bright lights just get so tiring on your eyes. Plus, multi tasking can be a bish. lol Try decorating and having to talk to people non stop typing. Honey no! LOL The roleplay for this van could easily be fun. Selling dime bags or something. Hey, your life and your vision! lol It will also look nice by your home on a commercial street. The sky is the limit. The only limits are what you place on yourself. But I really love this van! I won't ramble long yall. Full credits are below! Feel free to bookmark the blog, Follow me on Flickr and/or follow my Facebook page to keep updated!!! Thank you for the support a million times! I appreciate it! Have a blessed day! xoxo <3333 Ebony

Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed


Featured - 
DRD - The Joint Delivery Van - Occupied- Anthem Event-

DRD CS - The Joint Coffee Shop - Floor Bong - Jaimy
DRD CS - The Joint Coffee Shop - Floor Bong - Morbid
DRD CS - The Joint Coffee Shop - Floor Bong - Eowyn
DRD CS - The Joint Coffee Shop - Notes - Many Reasons
DRD CS - The Joint Coffee Shop - Neon Bong
DRD CS - The Joint Coffee Shop - Neon High Life

Other Decor-
Hayabusa Design - Square Field of grass 


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