Majesty- A Sunday Of Brunch

 Hello there! I hope all is well my friends! A new week and a new month is upon us. I am here today featuring Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Strukturo Megapack which is new to the Kustom9 Event! I love a nice seating area and what better way to have an excuse to have food as well! You get the seating, cups, tapes, cassette players, food and more with the full set! I have this living space in a rare build from :Haikei:. It's called Brownish colored and it gives off a nice Mid century vibe to me with the colors and it really just fit with these items so beautifully. You can put these items anywhere. Inside or outside and with so many of us using Cafe spaces you can easily use this set in that way as well. It's just really up to you! I have so much food items that I had to set up a new cafe myself. LOL This set is really nice. The textures are beautiful and I love teh shade of green on the chairs. The design on them is unique as well. I wanted a more closer up shot to show the food detail and everything but you see the cool arms on the chairs from this angle. It's really nice. I have some greenery in here but not too much.. Outside and inside. I have a good many green items in here but it's not overpowering at all. The different tones of green really help to balance everything in harmony together. The little pet is from Foxwood and was a previous saturday sale item. His green just went with what I was going for and he adds to much personality. Like he is def the king frog puppy of brunch in here. LOL This time of day on the weekend is huge where I live. It's all about brunch around here. People just love having brunch.

I love breakfast period. I am the type that will eat waffles, pancakes, cereal or anything deemed only for "breakfast" anytime of the day. I don't care about only eating things at specific times. In fact it's annoying to have to make it to places before breakfast ends! But that is a discussion for another day. I listed all of the wonderful items in this space below. This is the last day of the month and my last post for February! I was going to try to fill in 2 more but obviously it's not happening now. The first week of the month tends to be the one that gets me behind somewhat so I cam going to see what I can accomplish as fast as possible. But, I already have some things on my Calendar that I will be blogging for March and I hope you will like them! There is always so many new and awesome things. Another reason I will never thoroughly get to clean my inventory! LOL Thank you so much for the support my friends! I appreciate it very much. I hope all of you have a wonderful day and a wonderful new month ahead! Stay safe! xoxo <3333 Ebony

Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed


Featured - 

Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Strukturo Megapack- NEW at the Kustom 9 Event

Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Avocado and shrimp curry rice LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Cassette tape in case(3) side Cinoe LI:1
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Cassette tape in case(3) side Tia LI:1
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Cassette tape player black LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Cassette tape player brown (Vintage) LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Cassette tape player green LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Cassette tape player yellow LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Cassette tape side Cinoe LI:1
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Cassette tape side Tia LI:1
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Chair STRUKTURO LI:11
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Coffee cup brown LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Coffee cup green LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Coffee cup yellow LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Hassaku citrus cake LI:2
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Hassaku citrus cake (piece) LI:1
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Sandwich plate LI:3
Cinoe feat. Tia Rungray - Table STRUKTURO LI:2


Apple Fall Cushion - Satin, Beige LI:1

Other Decor-

Elm. Ava Vanity Succulent Plant LI:3
Fancy Decor: Madsen Painting (texture change) LI:1
Fancy Decor: Madsen Rug LI:2
Foxwood - Froggie Doggie - Lay LI:3
hive // large palm plant . light LI:6




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