Majesty- Popcorn & Cola

Hello there! I hope all is well my friends! Excited to bring you my first featured post with Cinoe! The store has clothing, furniture/builds and FOOD! I am such a foodie and love bento, dispensable and wearable food. If you love these things as well then this store will be perfect for you as well! There is so many things I could show you that I had a very hard time picking what I wanted to showcase today! That is a very good problem to have! I decided to feature the [Cinoe] Stay home theater  which is new to the Access event. The event opened a while back but doesn't close until the 8th of this month. Afterwards, you will be able to find this awesome food at the mainstore location. Most of the items here are by [Cinoe] with me using my favorite hydrangeas from Apple fall as decor. I use these flowers quite a bit and enjoy using them in different spaces. They come in a nice variety of colors to choose from. This post will be short and sweet today. It's snowing still here and cold.
It's just so pretty to look at. I really love snow. I like to travel in snow. Well, when the roads aren't bad. The roads here are clear but everything is snow covered and I love it. I like having snow in SL but nothing beats real snow you can throw at people. LOL It's just amazing. I will be posting more throughout this month as I get inspiration and have time so stay tuned. I want to thank everyone for the support. I really enjoy doing these blog posts. I have to have creativity outlets or my head would explode. Even with the limited time I have I still have to be creative and do things. I thank you for staying with me on my journey my friends. Stay safe. Love, Ebony xoxo <3333

Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed


Featured - 

[Cinoe] Stay home theater- NEW at the Access Event!
[Cinoe] Mountain sunday - Fatpack
[Cinoe] Oil Lamp
[Cinoe] Frasco Lamp


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