Majesty- In My Mind (Louna Design)

 Hello there! I hope all is well my friends! I am excited to bring to you this lovely lounge set from Chez Moi furniture! It is brand new to the Access Event. Now, let me say that It is 100% Nanda's fault (Chez Moi store owner) that I have a LL home. She posts these awesome videos of her using her products to decorate her homes and the one that got me was when she showed her stilt home. I was in love! LOL So, recently she showcased another home and it had this sofa set in it! I was like hold up I do not have this sofa! I eventually saw why when she released this for the Access event! LOL! So here we are showcasing this awesome set with this sleek sofa! I just love the design and color options! I was actually going to use the sofa in the shade of Yellow. However, once I went through the hud I decided to go with the black and let the inspiration carry on. A lot of things go on in my mind when I see furniture or decor pieces. It just comes together in a specific way and I won't stop decorating until I feel like it's perfect. The awesome rugs in this space are from Apple Fall and part of the Apple Fall Spring carpets collection. There is so many in this collection but I went with these two and they fit perfectly. Who says a welcome mat has to be in front of a door? Well, I don't have rules. LOL I like it here. I have quite a few new fav decor items from the store and I incorporated them in this living room space to create the perfect feel for what I was going for. 

I used my favorite drapes from MudHoney named Milo Drapes over the windows. I modded them to big longer than the rez size. So they are not normally 14 Land impact. I made them quite long. The Faye Mirror is such a major piece in this space you prob won't realize where it is? I am not sure but I tinted the mirror black so it blends in so well but it one of the main focuses in the room when you look at it. I modded different things in here for size and color. So please note a few things will look different in world at purchase but most of the things I used are not messed with. LOL I just had to have things a certain way. I like to mod things. Mesh has made it somewhat harder depending on how it's linked but I used to go nuts with modding before mesh came about. I even turned a one bedroom into a big 2 bedroom home and no one could tell it was modded until they went to buy it and realized I changed the whole thing up. LOL! Mesh limits my ability to mod to that extent in 2022 but I will mod some stuff with the quickness! Let me say I enjoyed decorating this living room and I love love these items! I am still using the Haikei house that I showcased yesterday. The house is versatile y'all and my eye for design/decor is very versatile. I could decorate this house 100 times over in so  many ways. It's a must have really. I hope you guys liked this post. 

Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed


Featured - 
CHEZ MOI Louna Living Room Set - NEW at the Access Event- 

CHEZ MOI Louna Accent Table LI:1
CHEZ MOI Louna Armchair (Adult) LI:4
CHEZ MOI Louna Coffee Table LI:2
CHEZ MOI Louna Plush Sofa (Adult) LI:5
CHEZ MOI Louna Succulent Decor LI:1

Apple Fall Spring Carpets Collection- NEW at the Mainstore-

Apple Fall Crushed Cotton Cushion - Slate LI:1
Apple Fall Door Mat - Welcome LI:1

Other Apple Fall Items shown:

Apple Fall Beau Tote - Charcoal Stripe LI:1
Apple Fall Books - Arrangement 15 LI:1
Apple Fall Hydrangea Bunch - Eku's Green LI:2
Apple Fall Lime Branch in Jug LI:1
Apple Fall Sheridan Knotted Rug - Charcoal LI:4
Apple Fall Winnie's To Go Coffee LI:1

MudHoney Faye Mirror LI:3 (Modded)
MudHoney Milo Drapes closed LI:14 (Modded bigger)



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