Majesty- There is beauty in ruins

Hello there!!! Happy to bring a new home décor post featuring booN kura! I love this line of home décor from booN kura. It just shows that Boo can make anything not just great hairs on SL. I am so happy to have finished so many home décor posts recently to show you. I hope you have enjoyed them. When I used to blog daily it was a real struggle to push them out so often and blogging fashion really helped. I was able to keep my blog updated in between decorating which I really like to put time into to get just right. These beautiful shrines come at a nice size but I super sized them to decorate with. You cannot go into them or anything but I love how they look at a bigger size. Let me say I have working on this post since I got the builds and I just didn't wanna rush anything. To see a creator go from being awesome at wigs, clothes and accessories to my fav thing on sl Home décor is just awesome. So I wanted to put that feeling in my post today. What better way than with shooting stars. Anytime I need some awesome fantasy type feel I go to {anc}. The items there are truly so beautiful and if I cannot use it with a new setup I always use them with other things. I know everyone has run off to snow. I am not a big snow person on sl. It just looks so bland to me. That is not saying that I cannot hook up a snow space! lol But, I am more of a lush green person. I prob will start more on setting up for snow posts however. For now I am still lush and green baby! lol

The lush greenery is a thing for me. Let me loose and watch your garden grow is all I am saying! These awesome shrines are at the Creators Collection Box and 20% off during the event. Make sure you run down there for these awesome items. So highly detailed and beautiful. I will of course put the link below. booN Kura has more items that are truly stunning. Make sure you give a look at all of the items they are all new. They are very versatile and you will see more in my posts in the future. I hope everyone has had an awesome Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend. It goes by so fast. Time stands still for no one. Thank you for stopping by of course. I always appreciate it. With a new day brings new opportunities. <333 xoxo Ebony
Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed
*booN-kura Hokora- Creators Collection box-
Shooting stars & Sugar rose field- {anc}
Cypress and Platane Plane Trees- Hayabusa Design
Lush Grass- We're Closed


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