
Monday is here :/ The wonderful day where I catch up on housework I neglected to do during the weekend!
But its ok, you have to have a nice and clean house! Today I am showing you how I dress up a outfit. This picture is of me b4 I go crazy and add on!

This is me after I added some of my favorite extras! I love jewelry which is something you will notice as you visit this blog. I am usually saddened in rl by all the cute costume jewelry I see other women wearing that I cannot wear. My skin is so sensitive I can only wear gold. Another thing that makes my likes expensive lol.

The jewelry I do wear though is always pieces I can pass down one day, so it makes the gold buying a lil more special. The jewelry I am wearing today is a reflection of me as I can be flashy sometimes. I would buy it all in rl! lol Well the glasses might be TOO much:P Buy anyway , I ramble...

We all have our own tastes and likes. We might buy the same outfit as others, but only we can rock em in our own special way:) You might not like jewels as much so just wear a bracelet and some stud earrings:) I just hope you can see some possibilities for your inventory wardrobe!

Well this woman is off to finish housework! But I am still fierce while doing it o.0  Happy shopping & Stay Fierce!


Hair: booN
Dress: Censored
Boots: elikatira
Purse: Scrubs
Jewelry: p.c & Ryca
Skin: Al Vulo


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