Majesty- Picture Perfect

 Hello there! I hope all is well my friends! I am featuring CHEZ MOI Bori Futon - NEW at Cosmopolitan Event and Apple Fall AI Artwork Collection I which is NEW at the Mainstore! The build I am featuring today is the new Group gift from Onsu. This skybox is super nice. I have it cut off for darker textures from the detail hud. I used this space to make a nice and cozy seating area featuring some beautiful art pieces. It's the picture perfect place to get your creativity going. The futon comes with a texture change hud. I went with the white shade. But, I love the super bold shades included that you can use at the main pop of color as well. I almost went with the green. All of the artwork comes from Apple Fall. The newest pieces are on the back feature wall. My favorite is the mountain pic and I have it right in center of everything. I love the contrast of it being black and white among the other pieces that for the most part have green and yellow as the main colors. I added a few decor extras around this room and when I was done with the finished product I was quite content. When I get to the point where I am not rezzing anything else or fiddling with anything, I know I am finally done with the space. I am just so mood based when decorating. There are no rules when decorating. Decorate how you like and with the items you want in your space. It all comes together in the end. It's relaxing.

I just done something weird to my computer mouse. It works but it feels different. I might just buy another one today. Something always happens. LOL Nothing but new posts coming all this month. I am looking at some things I want to feature next and they are quite different. Super fun new items! This futon called to me. It's textured beautifully and with the bold art I wanted it to be a nice room without having too much clutter. I like little details in every space I decorate but sometimes you don't need a ton of extras to have the perfect space. It's all about the mood. I hope y'all like the new posts and items I am showing you so far this month! I only pick items that inspire me to use them. Being picky is not a bad thing. I used to think that and then I am like w.e...I like what I like! LOL Do what makes you happy and decorate with items that make your dream home space. I am done rambling for today. I am getting ready for the new week. Thank you so much for the support my friends! I hope all is well where you are. Stay safe. Peace and Blessings. xoxo <3333 Ebony

Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed


Featured - 
CHEZ MOI Bori Futon - NEW at Cosmopolitan Event-

CHEZ MOI Bori Futon (Adult) LI:9

Apple Fall AI Artwork Collection I- NEW at the Mainstore-
 Apple Fall AI Artwork: Dusky Mountains LI:1
Apple Fall AI Artwork: Fieldscape LI:1
Apple Fall AI Artwork: Ginkgo Study LI:1
Apple Fall AI Artwork: Lily Pads LI:1
Apple Fall AI Artwork: Sunrise Blossoms LI:1

Apple Fall FallBook '21 - Cream LI:1
Apple Fall Original Artwork: Impressionist Landscape Oil LI:1
Apple Fall Original Artwork: Pitcher w/ Lemons Oil LI:1

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