Halfway There!!!

I wanted to give a update on my progress! I am now halfway done with my new line of men & women shapes!! I juggle alot while in-world. I have a huge family that will teleport me at any given time. I also have lil ones that I have to attend to. So with the store my plate has been so full!! Once all this is done I will get back to being post crazy...*yawns*

You are of course getting a sneak peek at my shop called " The Model...This is of course the thin version of this shape. In future releases I will do all body types for all of the many diff versions there are of us:) This is the thinnest shape I can make lol. I am used to curves. So while she is thin she does have a little curve to her. She is also tall. Just like the models we see in-world at the fashion shows. She is close to 7ft tall. But she is mod.

I have a big store to grow into. But since I am starting over from scratch I am doing 2 full collections. I got up bright and early this morning and started finishing the womens shapes and started editing my store ads:) While I do not have the picture skills of my sissypoo, I am quite proud of my work:)

Well I will be totally done with the women's collection after I am done editing all of the ads:) I hope everyone is having a wonderful week:) My bday is this week so I am excited for that also! Stay Fierce!!

Store opening soon!! Stay tuned!!


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