Majesty- Magical Enchantment

I hope everyone is having a blessed week. I am excited to bring you a new home décor post. I am featuring Aphrodite with this Floating shell. Rezzed here is the couples version. They also have a family version for the families out there! It is packed with animations and will be a beautiful addition to your home. I was actually going to use it on the grass because well I am different lol. But I do love water so hey I will be traditional for awhile and have it on water. It has some lovely animations and will be great for special moments or just for décor. This stunning bridge you see is from booN and I know that might shock you because it shocked me! I am so used to getting the nicest wigs on the grid from there and here is this equally stunning bridge in a really rich red. It is truly a must have. I am sticking it all over the place. It is at the UBUME x ORIGAMI event. Yep I copy/pasted so I wouldn't spell it incorrectly! lol. The event has so many beautiful things to buy and it's a really big event. I am actually here as I post this blog post. Then back at home just relaxing finishing up some things that have been months in the making. I tend to work on other projects and homes for other people and not myself. So my own projects have been on the back burner for months yall. Like my main location and my home lol. I have made time to do little things here and there but the struggle has been real.

This area is now one of my favorite spots on my land. It is really relaxing and my windlight is as you see here. I typically do not use a bright Windlight. When WL settings first came out I always used Bree's Appleblossom but I use darker settings now. They are just easier on the eyes for me anyways and I tend to like my surroundings to look at magical and dreamy lol! That is just how I am people. I can't help it.Okay well it is beyond time to post this new blog post so you can see these awesome creations. I am working on more posts so make sure you stay tuned and check back on me. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of this hot day! lol <333 Ebony

                                                      Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed


Floating Shell- Aphrodite Shop- Okinawa Summer Festival-

Kura Japanese Red Bridge001- booN - ORIGAMI-

SimpleGrassCover & Random Field of Grass and Flowers - Hayabusa Design

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