Majesty- Organic Part.Two - (Onsu Malibu Home)

 Hello there! I hope all is well my friends! I am here with Part Two of my Onsu feature with the Malibu home! I am showing you what I did with the kitchen part of the main living room. I had to show off the fact the fridge opens, and you can fill it with your favorite items. I started with the built in kitchen and just decorated fitting the same move from the previous space and this is what I came up with! I used sheer curtains in certain areas. I like to see out of windows if I am on the ground or in the sky. You can decorate how you please. Using bar stools in here would also be nice. My inspiration was yellow, honey and red foxes. These items all have sentimental value to me, and I wanted them in this room. I love decorating all spaces. But I really have so many food items and things for kitchens and dining spaces that I am drowning in them! LOL! I need to organize this stuff and then every weekend I get more stuff that I don't even open. It is a really bad cycle. I will have to eventually work on it. 

You can make the rooms in this home anything you want. I did see some reviews I am going to comment around. You can make any room in this house a bathroom if you need a big bathroom. For example, the Owner's suite can be half bedroom half bathroom with some decor talent easily. Make the other rooms sexy closets or 1/2 baths for example. This house is versatile. As far as the angles of the home you should be able to see that at the home demo on the sim. That is what demoes are available for. I always walk through a home and get a feel for it before I buy it, so I know what I am purchasing. I hope a few comments will not dim Onsu's creative light from making more homes with beautiful and unique floorplans and design. These boring Leave to Beaver homes are for the birds. LOL! Hey, you can have some but damn how many do we need?!?? LOL I have enjoyed decorating this home and I hope those of you that choose to add this home to your inventory closets will also love it. Thank you so much for the support my friends and have a blessed day! Peace and Blessings. xoxo <3333 Ebony

*Please Note I no longer give full credits for spaces I decorate. I made notice of this months ago. I had someone comment about this and wanted to post again just in case I have more new people viewing my work that don't know. I am not going to go into it, but some loser ruined it for everyone. I only post credits for the feature of my post and some sponsored items now. <3

Stay Fierce*Stay Blessed


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